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9-11-01 We will never forget 

“We try to treat our students with as much respect as we can, and I expect them to respect my teachers in return”.

Vice Principal, Mr. Rupert Burey.

 By Juan Minella

 Mr. Rupert Burey is the Vice Principal of North Miami Beach Adult Satellite Center.  He is the man in charge of the night school program, in which he has done an excellent job.  In this current summer Session there are over two thousand students attending the night school program.  I asked Mr. Burey what are the challenges he faces while being in charge of the program?  Mr. Burey replied “getting students to take their courses seriously, to wear their I. D. badges and to buy books they need.  Also having students spend the required amount of hours in class, and to make them understand, that students have to earn their grade.  Mr. Burey added that the most difficult challenge he is facing today is finding a Driver’s Education’s Teacher”.  He mentioned that this program is so successful due to the fact that they accommodate to the community’s needs for education.  They offer G. E. D. classes, ESOL and citizenship classes.  Overall this is really an amazing program that helps people from all different ages.


Junk Food in the Cafeteria

 By:  Rennar Oliveira

           Stop selling junk food in schools.  Kids are becoming overweight and unhealthy.  Schools serve unhealthy food in the cafeteria such as pizza and cheeseburgers.  In the vending machines they have potato chips, chocolate chip cookies, honey buns and soda.  The schools sell more healthy food and food student will buy and can afford such as subs and hamburgers so students don’t get overweight and unhealthy.  So my opinion is that the school has to concentrate more in taking care of the students and serving better food in the cafeteria.
















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